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The Big Cheese Making Kit

The Big Cheese Making Kit


Empowering enthusiasts with delectable, homemade cheese.

In 2015, Ailsa Proverbs gave life to The Big Cheese Making Kit, fueled by a passion for cheese and the quest to demystify its craft. Inspired by a celebrity chef's simple yoghurt-making demonstration, Ailsa set out to prove that crafting delicious cheese at home need not be daunting. What began as a personal experiment turned into a delightful surprise for lunch guests, who marvelled at her homemade creations. Determined to share this joy, Ailsa embarked on extensive trials, engaging focus groups, and refining countless recipes.

After a journey of trial and error, along with the consumption of hundreds of pints of milk, The Big Cheese Making Kit was born. A range of seven kits, including the innovative Big Vegan Cheese Making Kit, emerged from this artisanal endeavour. The response was overwhelming, leading to partnerships with 400+ independent retailers across the UK. Esteemed names like Selfridges and The National Trust embraced the kits, showcasing Ailsa's creations. The success didn't stop at national borders; the kits found their way to shelves in South Africa, the Netherlands, Gibraltar, and Denmark. The kits even caught the attention of the legendary Mary Berry, who featured them on her BBC1 TV show.